Spring 2023 Editor Letter
Written by Cara Robbins

There is absolutely nothing I love more than the smell of spring rain in the air — because it usually marks the return of sweet and beautiful things after a lot of gray monotony.
Cleveland is, after all, such an ugly winter city once the Christmas lights come down in January. So, I typically spend the first three months of the year counting down until the streets are finally dotted with budding trees, blooming flowers, and outdoor patio people-watching once again.
Plus, there is something nice about seeing the campus come back to life in the last month before we all part for the summer. CSU certainly isn’t known for its dazzling campus, but there’s nothing like a good old-fashioned public green space by the Student Center to help rally a sense of community before we say goodbye.
In the spirit of celebrating the CSU community, make sure to check out some of the stand-out articles featured in our final issue of the year. Copy Editor Ben Nichols explores the loopholes in CSU’s preferred name policy that consistently puts transgender students at risk in "Our Dignity, Not Our Preference." In “Who Truly Shapes the Future of Ohio," new contributor Michael Eadie explores how the impact of regressive political movements from Ohio government officials is causing brain drain in young Ohians. And finally, longtime contributor and satirical nuisance Cameron Mays says goodbye in his final article “State of Cinema Studies." Make sure to also check out his final videos on our blog.
With graduation just around the corner, the Vindicator must also say goodbye to several staff members who are moving on to bigger and better things:
Andrea Brazis (Social Editor) – I know I’m not supposed to play favorites with the magazine sections, but as a former Social Editor, that section will always be special to me. Thank you so much for taking good care of it, Andrea. The Vindicator will certainly lose something without your quick-wit writing and constructive editing technique. Make sure to check out her final article, “Tackling Spring Allergies."
Abigail Preszig (Online Content Manager) – Abigail, thank you so much for your bubbly energy and your dedication to spreading the Vindicator on campus via social media. Most of our new readership is thanks to your lovely outreach and interaction online. Make sure to check out her two final articles, “Menstruation Nation” and “CSU Styles."
Jakob Roberts (Art Director) – Jakob, we are so going to miss your unique stylistically stunning designs for our magazines! Thank you so much for consistently ensuring that the Vindicator looked as beautiful as it could. Make sure to check out some of his final spreads for the Vindicator. (I’m a bit partial to his design for “The Last of Us’ is Adaptation at Its Finest” but, well, I’m certainly biased.)
Megan Mullaly (Managing Editor) – It’s safe to say that without Megan, not a single issue of the Vindicator would successfully be published. With two years of Managing Editor experience under your belt, I know that I was always grateful for your perspective and advice. I know for a fact that without your help and intervention, I would’ve gone insane this past year. Make sure to check out her final article “Benefit of Cats."
To everyone graduating, we’ll miss you dearly — the entire Vindicator team is in your
corner and rooting for you while you pursue new and exciting adventures.