How to Resurrect your New Year’s Resolutions.
Written by: Abigail Jarvis

As the ball drops on December 31st, one in four Americans resolve to drop their bad habits or refresh their lifestyle, according to YouGovAmerica. Some of the most popular resolutions in the country focus on health and wellness, cleanliness and organization. While these goals are certainly ambitious, a study reported by Forbes Magazine and conducted by the University of Scranton found that only 8% of people will achieve their New Year's resolutions. March is the perfect opportunity to check in and assess how those resolutions are going. What have you been doing to accomplish those resolutions? If you have lost your way, The Vindicator resolves to help you get back on track to achieving your goals.
Tip 1: Is This Resolution Right for You?
If your resolution hasn’t gone according to plan, now is the time to assess why. Were you unprepared to achieve this goal? Does your schedule lack the hours in a day to commit to this practice? Did you over-commit yourself and become overwhelmed? If any of these questions are the case, it is time to redefine your goal. This can mean giving yourself a more achievable time frame for your goal and setting more realistic expectations for yourself. For example, you couldn't possibly master guitar in a month with your school and work schedule, but maybe you could learn two chords a month.
Tip 2: On Pen & Paper
Manifest your goal by writing it down! Visualizing your resolution and outlining your progress can be an extremely beneficial move towards success. On paper, list out the steps needed to achieve your goal, breaking it down into small achievable pieces to tackle. Wall calendars, notebooks, planners, or bullet journals are great tracking devices for resolutions. You’ll be super satisfied seeing how far you’ve come once you start checking boxes on your resolution.
Tip 3: Making it a Habit
Everyone is different when it comes to creating a daily habit. Psychologists state that it can take as little as 18 days or up to 254 days to create a fully realized habit. In order to add your resolution to your daily routine, set a notification for yourself on your phone. Use the Reminders or the Clock apps on your phone, or one of the numerous other task-oriented third-party apps. Some of the most popular are, MinimaList and Alarmed. When setting up the notification, use a separate sound than your alarms to Pavlov yourself into remembering your task. This tip works best for routine resolutions like making your bed, journaling, taking medication more regularly, or exercising daily.
Tip 4: The Buddy System
A support system makes achieving any goal easier. Mentors can guide you through the process of your goal, and friends can motivate and encourage you. Some ways that you can build your support system is by creating a group chat with friends who have similar goals, joining a Facebook group, or following content creators online with similar resolutions. CSU makes finding that kind of community easy. Did you want to start a new hobby, or learn a new skill at the gym? The CSU Rec center is a great place to start your health and wellness goals, all while working with well trained professionals. Another on campus option are the clubs listed on VikesConnect. Having a guide and accountability partner can be the difference between acing your resolution and losing sight of your goals. Reach out and find who you can work with to achieve your resolutions together!
Tip 5: Take It Easy, Buddy
Buddy systems are meant for encouragement, and they should be supportive safe spaces for you and your goal. If you start to make harsh comparisons or feel dejected about your progress in comparison to your buddy’s efforts, it may be time to find a new buddy. In the age of social media, it can be hard to not compare yourself to every influencer or gym selfie on your timeline. The best types of online creators should be honest about their experiences, not the personification of unrealistic expectations on a pedestal. Remember, there is not one straight path to success. If someone is making you feel unworthy, consider unfollowing or politely distancing yourself from them. That is a brave step toward any goal.
Resolutions are hard. Sticking to resolutions is even harder. Be kind to yourself if you’ve gotten off track or haven’t made the progress you expected. Everyone grows and learns in different ways, and forming new habits is no exception. When self doubt or insecurities deter your goals, vent to a friend and push through. You have every capability to achieve your goal. Move forward with a gentleness and willingness to learn, you’ve got this.
Tip 7: You’re Not a Quitter, You’re a Restarter
Don’t be afraid to restart your resolution! If you have stopped your progress in your goal since January, you can begin again at any time. The date isn't the most important part of a resolution —your determination and desire for self improvement is what matters. You can start today, tomorrow, or in July! What matters is that you just start.