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Letter from the Editor November 2022

The Truth, Pure and Simple

I’ve recently been thinking a lot about those high philosophical values of truth, justice and freedom that always fascinated people like Voltaire, Kant and Socrates — certainly not with as much depth as them, but thinking nonetheless. This time of year, I always do. A tumultuous election lies right around the corner. Moreover, in just a few weeks, we’ll be celebrating a holiday of gratitude and prosperity that is colored with a bloody history of violence against Indigenous Americans. The nuance and weight behind both of these events is certainly enough to keep me thinking through the whole month.

As a magazine, we have a particularly involved relationship with the truth. In the words of Oscar Wilde, “the truth is rarely pure and never simple.” As I read through the pieces we’ve put together this month, I think about his words with a certain sentimentality, observing how so many writers wrestle with expressing their subjective truth:

Multimedia Manager Riley Roliff explores the truth behind the new Cuyahoga County jail and interviews local activists opposed to the jail’s construction.

Social Editor Sophie Farrar grapples with the truth by unearthing a very secret CSU conspiracy in “Where the &#@% are the Squirrels.” Returning contributor Meher Akshay Bundellu explores the subtle nuances of artistic truth in “‘Gangubai’: An Ode to Independent Filmmaking.”

This issue, I also had my own opportunity to learn new truths when I sat down with Lu Childs, co-executive producer of the film “Madan Sara,” to hear about his experience being involved with the film.

Remember to vote this month. Remember to make sure your voice is heard. Ask questions. Make jokes. Spend time with family. Enjoy the fall colors before they leave. Eat good food and take time to embrace gratitude. To do all of this is to live the most important truth — being true to yourself.


Cara Robbins

© 2024 The Vindicator

Cleveland State University's Arts and Culture Magazine

Amplifying voices since 1969.

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